Day 15

Day 15 21/06/21

Today we left the red house (La tribu des Butin) in Zudausques.

Last night we were fortunate. This lovely family were not advertising the renting of the room anywhere; a local man saw us and mention that Messier Butin, in the past, used to rent a room out. So we walked to Mr Butin’s door, accompanied by another local, who kindly decided to help us with our very basic French, and like that, we had a room for the night.

Mateo, the owner’s son, and his friend Marc Antoine prepared us breakfast. We chatted for a while, and then we left. Thank you guys for your amazing hospitality and the delicious homemade mint drink!

Marc Antoine, Mateo and Dad Erick and mum Eveline (in the picture behind)

As soon as we hit the road, a dog started to lead the way for over a kilometre; she was a few meters in front of us, always checking back if we were keeping the pace.

It was a very wet day, we walked with the ponchos, but our shoes were soaked within an hour. We kept walking, heads down, avoiding the persistent rain hitting our face until we reached a bridge 5 kilometres after.

We spent some time chatting and considering the way to take, and with a bit of courage, we set off once again. Obviously, there were no many people around, but both the two we met (a postwoman and a man walking his dog) with a big smile told us bon journée and bon courage. The encouragement was well received, and we kept marching. We walked and walked, hoping for a cafe to appear, but it seems that in this part of France, it is easier to find a car garage than a cup of coffee. Although, the French bus stops are very appealing for two hikers walking in the rain.

We stopped here for making our own coffee and a nice baguette with jam. After that, we crossed a pretty town inviting us with a sign: Chemins En Arts. Every garden had artwork, and we were kept entertained for some time.

We walked for 21 k when we reached Therouanne, our destination, where Carlos prepared a delicious meal.