Art Installation

This installation draws on the 1850 km walking journey from Lancing, England, to Stra, province of Venice, Italy, undertaken between the 7th of June – the 24th of August 2021. 

From the outside, the visitor is presented with a short video of the journey and a small television displaying a live feed of what is happening inside the space.  

This aims to encourage the visitor to investigate the space.

The installation invites the visitor to physically walk, both naturally and on a walking machine, in order to have an account of the experiences and encounters we had during the journey. Although the experience within the space remains a simulation, it aims to juxtapose my impressions of being in the real world and its counterpart within the enclosure of four walls. 

The video is two hours and two minutes long in a constant loop, and it can only be experienced by walking on the machine.


The projectors are connected to a computer reading the speed sensor of the walking machine. The video plays in the background, and only when someone steps on the machine and starts walking, the video appears on the screens.

This part of the work comprises 15 columns-like structures connecting the floor with the ceiling.

Every column is made of knitted cotton representing the fantastic people who gave us hospitality along the way, strangers who opened their houses without concern and fear. Six of those columns have speakers inside reproducing the whispering voices of our hosts telling the story of our encounter.

Photo Gallery Art Installation In the Making