3.30 AM: I woke up to the most amazing sound…a Tawny owl hooting and a few minutes later a Barn Owl… oh, I wish I had an infrared camera with me. Their beautiful call was mesmerising. Falling asleep again after wasn’t easy; it seems that all birds have woken up, and their twittering filled the environment. The silence was broken, but I would love to have such a natural alarm clock, to be honest.
Today we walked 20 Km, and I hadn’t realised how tough the Sussex paths can be. Our legs are getting accustomed to the walking rhythm and, although we reach our destination exhausted, our spirit remains high.
We found a very nice spot for breakfast, a pond with golden fishes swimming around. It is a very nice feeling being able to stop where we please, a sense of freedom that is not normally possible to experience. We do not book anything in advance; we just go.

We were hoping to observe the eclipse; we were staring at the sky any time the sun was trying to emerge, but without luck, the clouds were too persistent. During a short stop to allow our energy to restore, I spotted Carlos hugging a tree.

Carlos after explained that it is a way to recharge and exchange energy with the environment.
Although we haven’t encountered anyone today, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tim Ingold and the idea of “dwelling perspective”. While walking, there was a constant reference to human activity, even on the most remote part of the journey. This thinking started to make me realise that I will never find a place truly uncontaminated; the landscape will always be the witness of the memories of those who were there before me.
Fortunately, the landscape will always be able to take my breath away.