Day 5

Today we walked around 25 Km, it was a very tough day but full of wonderful experiences.

First thing in the morning, we met Paul walking with his dog Sonny. Paul, another long-distance walker and biker, invited us for a great cup of coffee in his garden. There, we met as well Jo, Paul’s wife, and we had a lovely chat. Paul taught me how to read the country map properly to avoid those annoying stalls.

Jo, Sonny and Paul

After our farewell, we saw Paul running towards us, and he handed Carlos a delicious fruit cake… it didn’t last long. Thank you guys, you have been amazing!!!!

Fruit cake

We followed Paul’s advice, and we took a cycling route; it saved us quite a bit of energy. After rejoining our path, we climbed a hill where a spectacular view was waiting for us. It wasn’t easy but definitely worth it.

Carlos pulling the trolley
Lunch with a view

Obviously, we had to stop there for lunch. On our way down, we had an interesting encounter with a curious deer.

Deer checking us out

After around 20 km, we really started to feel exhausted, and we were desperate to find a place to pitch our tent.

We found camping spot, but after we were told that it is a boisterous place, we decided to carry on a bit further. We try to go to “bed” not later than 10 pm because we found out, the hard way, that birds wake us up at around 4 am; we need to sleep!

Completely exhausted we found a field and we had our first experience of wild camping.

Wild Camping near Tondridge

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